Centrifuge Refurbishment
Inject new life back into your centrifuge with a complete overhaul. Once completed the centrifuge should be good for many more years to come. Sometimes there really is no need to buy new!

On arrival at the Service & Repairs workshops the centrifuge in question would typically be first cleaned as part of in-house decontamination assurances then completely dismantled into its individual component parts. The following work and inspections would then be carried out;
- Inspection and measurement of all critical components
- Identify all components that need repairing, refurbishing or replacing
- Submit detailed centrifuge inspection report along with repairs/refurbishment estimate for client approval.
Once the workshop receive the go ahead work would then begin, including the following as a minimum;
- Medium shot blast of main framework assembly
- All critical components measurements checked
- Repair or replace sub-standard components
- Individually rebalancing all rotating assembly components
- Main bearings, all seals and gaskets replaced as standard practice
- Re-assemble the rotating assembly and re-locate into the machines main framework
- No-load testing run for 4yrs (repair/refurbishment level dependent)
- 12 months warranty – parts and labour
Types of centrifuge the workshop frequently encounter are;
- Horizontal Continuous Solid and Screen Bowl Decanter Centrifuge
- Horizontal Batch Basket Filtration Centrifuge
- Horizontal Batch Basket Filtration Inverting Cloth Centrifuge
- Horizontal Continuous Basket Filtration Pusher Centrifuge
- Horizontal Batch Basket Filtration Sugar Type Centrifuge
- Vertical Continuous Filtration Sugar Type Centrifuge
- Vertical Batch Basket Filtration Centrifuge
- Vertical Batch Basket Filtration FGD Centrifuge
The Repairs and Refurbishment division has a vast knowledge and experience working on a large number of the leading industrial centrifuge OEMs such as;
Thomas Broadbent
- Krauss Maffei
- Heinkel
- Comi-Condor
- Alfa Laval
- Tolhurst
- Bird
- Andritz
- Robatel
- Riera Nadeu
- Ferrum
- Westfalia
- Centriquip
Once completed we would strongly recommend signing up to a regular Spares & Servicing agreement usually 12 monthly, to ensure your centrifuge is maintained in optimum condition for as long as possible. The Repairs and Refurbishment workshop is capable of undertaking work on most leading centrifuge OEM equipment
NCD Separation Solutions Ltd. is a unique company that can offer a complete range of centrifuge consultancy and centrifuge engineering services.