Optimisation at Covidien UK
Following a recent overhaul of their two vertical, batch basket, filtration centrifuges, NCD Separation Solutions were invited to carryout a performance survey with a view of delivering an operator training package once the centrifuges were considered fully optimised.
The optimisation exercise for both centrifuges took approx. 5 days to complete. This not only increased production by over 10% but also improved product quality, yield, efficiency and the health and safety to the whole process.
Subsequent operator training sessions will ensure the now optimised process is maintained and operators have more confidence in making various changes to the process from time to time as they are more understanding of their actions.
Site Manager Mr Dave Hickton thanked NCD Separation Solutions for their professionalism in delivering all the various facets of the centrifuge upgrade package. He feels sure the improvement will be of significant benefit to Covidien.